Honouring our Leadership Partner: Opportunities NB

We are thankful to have Opportunities NB as a leadership partner and a major sponsor for this year's inaugural InnovateNB Celebration. The Celebration is taking place on November 22nd in Saint John New Brunswick, where you can indulge in a full-day event aimed to raise awareness and spark interest in the innovative work that is happening in New Brunswick.

About Opportunities NB

Opportunities NB (ONB) works with businesses of all sizes in every region of New Brunswick — helping them to invest, grow, scale, and tap new markets for their products and services. If you are a business operating in the province, or a potential investor interested in pursuing business in New Brunswick, ONB is there for you every step of the way.

We got to chat with our sponsor and got some great insights from Traci Simmons, Acting CEO & Chief Operating Officer, and Assistant Deputy Minister at Opportunities NB on what InnovateNB means to NB’s ecosystem

What does innovation mean to ONB and to you?

To remain competitive globally and here at home we need to support people and businesses who are willing to harness innovation, automation and technologies.  This is the fuel that unlocks new opportunities and tackles challenges. We understand that a strong ecosystem – one that is connected to the industry is critically important to the future growth of our province. There are many benefits to that and a strong innovation ecosystem helps us attract and support the development and talent. It also plays a big role in attracting new private sectors investments and it drives productivity which is critical for our businesses in improving their competitiveness

Why was it important for ONB to be a part of the InnovateNB celebration?

It is a great fit for us and is one of our priority areas - working with companies, attracting talent, attracting private sector investment and increasing productivity. Innovation is a part of all four of those things, so being a part of the InnovateNB Celebration allowed us to come together with the innovation community and put focus on the importance of that in the province. Celebrating and promoting our success is equally important and it will help reinforce that culture of innovation.

What part of the InnovateNB celebration are you most looking forward to?

Being able to pause briefly and recognize the trailblazers in the industry! You see their stories and that motivates the next generation of innovators. Success breeds success and sometimes just taking that brief pause to look at all that we have accomplished is the reinforced encouragement to the future of innovation. Secondly, the idea of what happens when you get a lot of passionate great minds in the same room – it’s that 2+2 = 5. You never know where the partnerships or inspiration can come from. This is a great opportunity, and we are really happy to be a part of it.

You certainly won’t want to miss the full day of programming at the InnovateNB Celebration, where you’ll get an inside look at the state of innovation in New Brunswick and beyond. You can purchase your tickets for the InnovateNB To buy your tickets for the InnovateNB Celebration, visit our ticket page.


Hommage à nos partenaires Leadership: Opportunités NB


Redoubler d’efforts pour l’innovation au Nouveau-Brunswick - FINB