
SmartSkin Technologies

SmartSkin Technologies

SmartSkin helps pharmaceutical manufacturing, food processing and bottling facilities around the world optimize container handling to improve productivity and assure quality. Its patented technology solution, which helps measure if container handling systems are configured properly, has had an internationally significant impact. During the COVID-19 pandemic, SmartSkin helped one of the largest vaccine makers solve a serious issue, which was impacting Canada's supply. It also was an important enabler of a major Coca-Cola bottler's implementation of what was the single largest greenhouse gas reduction initiative ever undertaken by any bottler in the organization. SmartSkin has won two supplier of the year awards for innovation from the global soft drink giant’s bottling network. Since its founding in 2009, SmartSkin has attracted over $12 million of investment into the region, including more than $5 million from Schott Pharma, the world's largest supplier of pharmaceutical glass vials. Its team, based primarily in Fredericton, has grown to over 60 people and expects rapid growth for the next several years.

See the art piece made by Shek Jael for the Economic Impact Through Innovation Winner here.


Suzanne Dupuis Blanchard, Founder, Nursing Home without Walls and Professor at Université de Moncton


Dr. Constantine Passaris, Professor of Economics, UNB and Founding President, New Brunswick Multicultural Council