Dr. Yassine Bouslimani & Dr. Sid Ahmed Selouani, Université de Moncton
Dr. Yassine Bouslimani & Dr. Sid Ahmed Selouani
Université de Moncton
Dr. Yassine Bouslimani is a full professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of Moncton. His areas of expertise include industrial robotics, machine vision, electronics, intelligent systems, and the Internet of Things. Professor Bouslimani is also the director of his department’s Robotics, Electronics and Industry 4.0 Laboratory. Its research team is carrying out several studies and projects for New Brunswick industries and businesses to innovate and improve their manufacturing processes and increase their productivity. It provides excellent opportunities for undergraduate students in electrical engineering and graduate students in applied sciences to participate in industrial projects and collaborate with companies in the region.
A professor of Information Management on the Shippagan campus of U de M, Dr. Selouani specializes in human-system interaction, language technology, electronic and mobile services, ubiquity and artificial intelligence, and RFID technology. Dr. Selouani founded LARIHS: the Human-System Interaction Research Laboratory in 2004, two years after his arrival at the Shippagan campus. The lab focuses on the problem of Human-System interaction in all its aspects: formal, application, cognitive, etc. The laboratory infrastructure has made it possible to carry out numerous innovative projects funded by provincial and federal public institutions and private organizations. Supervision of graduate students in the lab is the approach Dr. Selouani has taken to achieving research objectives. Dr. Selouani’s courses, based on information technology, are in constant evolution. The participation of students is fundamental to his research, and his research projects are very rewarding for his students. Dr. Selouani feels that his students' training will be a huge asset to the community.
See the art piece made by Sara Griffin for theInnovation in Academia and Research Winners here.