Showcasing Innovation in Research at Université de Moncton

University of Moncton and TechImpact alongside founding InnovateNB partners present Optimizing your R & D efforts: How post-secondary researchers and facilities drive innovative solutions for businesses. 

InnovateNB is a movement that showcases innovative individuals, organizations, ideas and concepts all around New Brunswick founded by a group of organizations who drive innovation in our province, including TechImpact, the New Brunswick Innovation Foundation (NBIF), the McKenna Institute at the University of New Brunswick, and Propel. InnovateNB made its debut with the inaugural InnovateNB Celebration and Awards, a multi-faceted day of programming that shone a spotlight on the work and people who propel New Brunswick forward.  

Following the initial event, we wanted to keep showcasing the incredible work being done in this province, the talent that’s being developed, and the research that’s having an impact on our economy in many ways.  

With over 85 people in attendance, from researchers, to ecosystem partners, research funders, employers, and job seekers.  It proved to be a night of celebration!  And we had an opportunity to hear about three specific research projects that are doing tremendous work for businesses and industries in New Brunswick.  It’s through these collaborative partnerships between the University and industry that new learnings are built, new ideas are further developed, and this often leads to new breakthroughs in mental or physical health, business productivity, yielding better crops, advancing green energy, and so much more.  By having access to lab environments, experiential learning opportunities with undergraduate and graduate students, and researchers who are subject matter experts, they bring new approaches and ideas that can work towards solving a problem or creating a new opportunity.  

On May 18th,at the University of Moncton campus, the audience learned of three projects occurring at University of Moncton 

  • Dr. Jalila Jbilou MD, PhD, Associate Professor at the School of Psychology of the NB Medical Training Centre who researches mental health in long-haul truckers. 

  • Serge Colin, President of ClairiTech Innovations who work to improving air quality in the existing building stock. 

  • Jonatan Montpetit Senior Director of Plant Science, Master Grower at Organigram Inc. who seeks to elevate the cannabis plant science space. 

The innovation continuum is broad, and research is a crucial piece of the equation.  It was inspiring to hear of the work, the learning, the successes knowing they are impacting the work of these companies and are contributing to them producing better products and services for export.  

For more updates on InnovateNB and the creativity and opportunities in NB, sign up to join our mailing list here. 

And look for more events in the future! 


Vitrine de l’innovation à l’Université de Moncton


Réservez cette date ! La Célébration et du Gala des Prix InnovateNB 2023